樓花 幻影-馮建中當代影像展@ TIVAC, 9/4-10/3

展期:2010年9月4日(六)- 2010年10月3日

:關於馮建中 About Fung Kin Chung

曾任《壹周刊》及《明報周刊》全職攝影師。2004年辭職投身志願組織當義工,曾到過的地方包括: 非洲、南亞、雲南等地。現為自由創作者,並參與攝影教育工作。
John Fung was born in Madagascar, Africa. His family moved back to Hong Kong when he was 13. Fung has engaged in more than 20 kinds of career.
Meanwhile, he kept working on a series of work entitled “In One Decade”. In 1988, he received two grants, from the British Cultural Council & the Asia Cultural Council respectively,
to study in New York City & London. After his return, he held a series of exhibition entitled “On the Road” in various places. He was a full time photographer in Next magazine and Ming Pao Weekly Magazine.
In 2004, he quited his full time job, became a volunteer of Oxfam and visited Africa, South East Asia & Yunnan,etc. Fung, at the moment, is a full time artist and participates in arts education.

關於展覽 About Exhibition

藝術家馮建中在2004年放棄多年享有穩定高薪的攝影工作,成為自我放逐的社會邊緣人,挑戰自己以非既定的存活方式過活。從他的影像中可以發現,他極力的追討屬於人的基本權利:選擇和自由。如萬花筒般絢麗卻破碎的城市建築影像,是歷史的包袱、功利主義下的產物,反映著動蕩的超現實大都會,像精神分裂般讓人感到煩躁不安, 正如泡沫的存在一樣虛幻飄渺。

■ 展出地點: 台灣國際視覺藝術中心( TIVAC )
Tel: 2773-3347 Fax: 2773-8779
Email: [email protected]

■ 交通指示:
中崙站:41, 52, 202, 203, 205, 257, 265, 276
中興中學:41, 52, 202, 203, 205, 257


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