"蔓延的黃沙"攝影展-普利玆項目@Café Zarah@北京Café Zarah, 7/4-8/5

展覽時間: 7月4日- 8月5日週三08:00
展覽地點: 北京東城區鼓樓東大街42號Café Zarah

2009年4月,英國攝影師韶華(Sean Gallagher)有幸獲普利玆中心“危機報導”基金贊助,以“蔓延的黃沙”為主題通過影像記錄中國沙漠化現狀以及治沙戰略實施情況,此次拍攝經陸路穿越內蒙古,寧夏,甘肅,新疆4省,總行程約4000公里。本次展覽是韶華先生該攝影作品的首次公開亮相。


In April of 2009, British photojournalist Sean Gallagher was awarded a travel grant from the prestigious Pulitzer Center on Crisis Reporting to photograph ‘China’s Growing Sands’, a multi-layered investigation into China’s current battle against desertifcation. Travelling 4000km overland on China’s ‘desertifcation
train’ through Inner Mongolia, Ningxia, Gansu and Xinjiang provinces, this will be the frst time Gallagher’s images from this journey have been exhibited in mainland China.

Café Zarah, Gulou Dongdajie No.42, Dongcheng District. Beijing.


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