
開幕酒會:2008. 10. 17週五17:30
展覽時間:2008. 10. 17 – 2008. 11.30

北京現在畫廊誠摯地邀請您於2008. 10. 17週五17:30出席日本藝術家蜷川実花在中國的首個個展開幕。 展覽的詳細信息和圖片如下,感謝您的關注。

蜷川実花1972年出生於日本東京,1997年畢業於多摩美術大學(Tama Art University)平面設計學系。 作為近年來日本最知名的年輕攝影師之一,蜷川実花多次獲得攝影大獎(如2001年木村伊兵衛攝影獎,2006年大原美術館獎),在東京、巴黎、柏林、紐約等地成功舉辦個展。 2007年她執導的電影《 SAKURAN(惡女花魁)》入選57屆柏林電影節。
蜷川実花秉承女性藝術家特有的靈性與敏感,用鮮豔濃烈的絢麗色彩展現鏡頭下的女人、花朵、金魚。 她的攝影作品風格華麗詭異,流露出日本特有傳統審美情趣中所推崇的“極致之美”,以純淨的色彩、簡單的素材呈現出最眩目的美與力,讓觀者陷入斑斕奇異的視覺感官世界。

Beijing Art Now Gallery cordially invites you to Ninagawa Mika’s first solo exhibition in China on Oct 17th 2008, Friday, 17:30. The details are as following:
Ninagawa Mika was born in Tokyo in 1972, gratuated from Tama Art University and majored in graffic designing. As one of the most famous young photographers in Japan, Ninagawa Mika has won a lot of prizes of photography, such as Kimura Thei Award and Ohara Museum of Art Award. She has successfully held her solo exhibitions in Tokyo, Paris, Berlin and New York. In 2007 the film SAKURAN she directed entered Berlinal Competition of International Film Festspiele Berlin.

Shooting women, flowers, goldfish in bright and strong colors with her camera, Ninagawa Mika has inherited the particular inspiration and sensitivity from traditional female artists. The style of Mika’s photography is very glamorous but also bizzare, in which we can simply find the unique EXTREME BEAUTY that is praised by traditional Japanese aesthentic. The pure color and simple objects she uses in her photographies come out as the most shockingly and outrageouly beautiful effect, which traps the audience into a colorful and mysterious visual world.

開放時間:週二至週六11:00 – 18:00週日至週一12:00 – 18:00
展覽地點:上海市莫干山路50號3號樓201 北京現在畫廊
諮詢電話:+86 21 62773062


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